CEMANI Essence (Englisches Skript)

Endpreis lt. § 19 UStG, zzgl. Versand

 Ein Energiesystem von Ferry Handoko
Auszug aus dem Skript:
Cemani is the name of one type chicken that exist on the island of Java, Indonesia. It is comes from the origin history of Java Island. "Cemani" word derived from ancient Javanese language means Hitam Legam (Jet-Black). The black color covering the entire body of this local chicken from the comb, wattle, beak, eyes, mouth, tongue, woodpeckers, feathers, wings, armpit, anus, legs and claws. Cemani chickens have a perfect black color, with 100% of his overall black color.
Cemani Essence
Cemani Essence provide a powerful protection against witchcraft and evil intention. Activate it to your house or work place to prevent from thieves and neutralize the bad emotion of people inside. It clean any negativity in mental and emotional level. Cemani Essence will bring a big luck to your love story, family relationship and particularly, it bring a big luck to raising the windfalls."
Die Energie 
- beschützt vor Hexerei und böser Absicht
- beschützt vor Dieben
- neutralisiert schlechte Emotionen
- klärt jegliche mentale und emotionale Negativität
- bringt großes Glück in Deine Liebesgeschichte, familiären Beziehungen und erhöht unerwartetes Glück
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